the one who has seen

a one-act play by Elod Pal Csirmaz

(inspired by Ray Bradbury's The Wind)

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You have a strong sense of theatricality, and also a confidence in your ability to experiment and create confident and interesting language. All three of your plays are very individual, whilst displaying the common traits of being intriguing, succinct and poetically rich.
Feedback from Soho Theatre, London
on the child..., the one who has seen and thud, beep, buzz

Persons: George, Margaret, Chorus

Estimated running time: 11 minutes.

George and Margaret, husband and wife, are expecting guests for the evening, but George is constantly on the phone with his friend, Alex. The Chorus, in iambs, informs us about the background of Alex and the events in his house: he has been being hunted by the wind, which by now has tracked him down and is destroying his house to get him. Margaret does not let George to go to Alex and spend the night with him, and Alex is unwilling to come to their place. Late at night, after an evening of Black Jack with the guests, George hears Alex laughing in front of their house, but going out he finds nothing but some wind blowing in his face. He realizes what must have happened. The guests, to Margaret's horror, as they were created by the wind to deceive the couple, vanish into thin air.

The howling sons of Eos and Astraius
  have descended from the distant skies again,
in new times to fulfil old destinies.
They led astray Odysseus, and cast
Santa María on the strangest shores.
Thousands of heroes they have shoved
into Poseidon's foamy arms,
which guided them until they reached
the gaping mouth of Hades.
  They've returned.
Have mercy, long-haired Boreas! '
  Spare us, son of Dawn and Starry Sky!

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