English literature from 1890 until the 1960s
(Az angol irodalom 1890-től az 1960-as évekig)
BBN-ANG-216/f ANN-212/f AFN-212/f
2008 Autumn
Mondays 14.30–16.00 Room 315

A seminar held at
Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest (ELTE); Faculty of Arts (BTK)
School of English and American Studies (SEAS)
Department of English Studies (DES)

This seminar is designed to accompany the lecture course on English literature from 1890 to the 1960s. A short presentation on a selected work at the beginning of each class will be welcome. We will be focusing on a limited number of pieces in order to be able to treat each in detail. The reading list also contains two essays by the authors discussed in order to give us an insight into the authors' possible intentions, which will be contrasted to the actual texts they created.

Set Texts
  • Novels
    • Virginia Woolf: Mrs Dalloway, "Modern Fiction" + excerpts from To the Lighthouse
  • Drama
    • J. M. Synge: The Playboy of the Western World
    • Harold Pinter: The Caretaker
  • Poetry
    • Thomas Hardy: "A Broken Appointment", "The Darkling Thrush", "Afterwards", "In Tenebris I [Wintertime nights]" + "Hap"
    • W. B. Yeats: "The Second Coming", "Sailing to Byzantium", "Leda and the Swan"
    • T. S. Eliot: "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock", "Preludes", "Tradition and the Individual Talent"
    • W. H. Auden: "In Praise of Limestone", "The Shield of Achilles" + "Oh What Is That Sound", "Költemény" by János Pilinszky
    • Dylan Thomas: "Fern Hill", "Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night" + Philip Larkin: "I Remember, I Remember"
    • Philip Larkin: "Church Going", "High Windows", "Sad Steps"
    • + Ted Hughes: "Crow's Theology"
Requirements & Assessment

1. Active participation; familiarity with the texts (25%)
2. A short note written on the primary texts and their background before each class (25%)
3. A 4-page essay analysing a novel, a play or at least two poems, to be submitted at the end of the term (50%)

Guidelines, further information
  • Short notes: Length: about a paragraph, 30–50 words. May include observations about the text read, background information you have looked up, or issues that you would like to raise during discussion. Please hand in the notes at the end of each class.
  • 4-page essays: Length: at least three and a third single-spaced A4 pages. It should present an analysis of one or more of the discussed works based on your ideas. Cite at least three relevant and scholarly sources. Please use the CMS reference system, of which a guide is available here.
  • Plagiarism: Any kind of plagiarism, double submission, or unauthorized co-production will automatically result in failing the course.

1. 8 Sep. Introduction
2. 15 Sep. Hardy
3. 22 Sep. Yeats
4. 29 Sep. Synge
5. 6 Oct. Synge
6. 13 Oct. Eliot
7. 20 Oct. Auden
8. 27 Oct. Autumn break
9. 3 Nov. Woolf
10. 10 Nov. Woolf
11. 17 Nov. D. Thomas
12. 24 Nov. Larkin
13. 1 Dec. Pinter & deadline for essays
14. 8 Dec. Evaluation